How to Develop Fluency in IELTS Speaking

Many IELTS aspirants have a very common question as to how they can improve their fluency as it is very crucial for achieving a high score in the speaking section of the IELTS exam. Speaking quickly is only one aspect of fluency; another is expressing thoughts coherently, firmly, and naturally. It entails speaking slowly, employing suitable grammar and vocabulary, and making seamless transitions between ideas. In this blog, we’ll look at how to develop fluency in IELTS speaking to ensure that you can speak clearly and naturally during the test. By using these techniques, you can improve your speaking skills and confidence to get the band score you want on the IELTS Speaking test.

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Photo by Christina Morillo on

Expand your vocabulary

To sharpen your vocabulary, it’s important to develop a good reading habit. It is easier to build vocabulary when you encounter words in context. It can be much more beneficial to see words used in novels or news articles than it is to see them on vocabulary lists. Not only do you become familiar with new words, but you also observe how they are used in sentences and the context they are used in.

Another way to sharpen your vocabulary is to take help of online dictionaries and thesauruses. Games like Scrabble and crossword puzzles can also help a lot. It’s a fun way to expand your English vocabulary.  Click on the link to play word puzzles and crossword puzzles.

Utilizing flashcards to study a variety of words is a quick way to expand your vocabulary. In the modern digital era, flashcards are practical and simple to organize thanks to a wide variety of smartphone apps. It is reasonable to learn one new word per day.

Practice Speaking Regularly:

An audience is not necessary to practice speaking English. You can converse with yourself any time!

Speaking to yourself while looking into a mirror is a great tip. You can then check your pronunciation of words and phrases. Even better than that is to record your English-speaking performance. By doing this, you can review the video and evaluate your pronunciation and fluency more objectively.

Another great tip that will help you improve your spoken English proficiency as well as polish your accent. Watch English-language movies or listen to English-language radio or podcasts. Try listening to words that you might find new.

By recording your speech, you can pay attention to your fluency, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabularies. This is a great way to evaluate your work and identify areas where you need to improve.

Use Connectors and Transition Words:

By properly utilizing connectors and transitional words, you can increase coherence. As a result of using these words and phrases to link concepts, your overall fluency will improve.

Connectors like “in addition,” “furthermore,” “moreover,” and “additionally” make it easier to connect your speech. They indicate that you are going to add more arguments or proof.

Example: “Renewable energy sources have the additional benefit of fostering energy independence in addition to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, they can promote economic expansion by generating jobs.

Look into the video for more information on IELTS Speaking

Time Management:

Practice speaking within the IELTS Speaking test’s time constraints. When practicing, time yourself using a stopwatch. Your ability to communicate effectively within the allotted time will improve as a result.

You can get more accustomed to the test’s pace and format by timing your practice sessions. During the actual IELTS Speaking test, this familiarity lowers test anxiety and increases your confidence, allowing you to concentrate on interacting effectively rather than stressing about time management.

Here are some tips for including timing in your routine:

  1. Set up a quiet, distraction-free setting similar to the test conditions should be established.
  2. Time each component of the speaking exam using a stopwatch or timer.
  3. Adhere to the time constraints outlined for each section as you practice answering practice questions or participating in mock interviews.
  4. Concentrate on delivering a well-organized, coherent response within the allotted time, and modify your speaking style as necessary.
  5. Evaluate your performance, pinpoint areas of weakness, and modify your practice sessions as necessary.

Practice Speaking on Various Topics:

Get familiar with a variety of subjects, such as current events, social issues, technology, education, etc. Develop opinions on these subjects, speak about them frequently, and back them up with pertinent anecdotes and details.

Examine social issues like racial justice, poverty, climate change, gender equality, and healthcare. To learn more about these subjects, do some research, read articles, listen to podcasts, and watch documentaries. Create well-thought-out opinions and arguments that are backed up by pertinent data and examples.

Keep up with new developments in technology, such as renewable energy, artificial intelligence, or cybersecurity. Learn about their implications, advantages, and difficulties. Talk about how technology has affected society, the economy, and everyday life. Also, share your thoughts on how these innovations have changed the world.

Think in English:

By narrating your daily activities or making  scenarios in English, you can encourage yourself to think in that language. Your fluency will increase as a result, which will make it simpler for you to communicate your ideas during the exam. By doing this, you can get past the mental translation process and speak more fluidly and naturally. As a result, you become more at ease and assured when expressing your ideas during the speaking test.

Finding the right words and phrases to describe your actions or scenarios can be difficult when you’re narrating in English. Your vocabulary will grow as a result of constant practice, and your ability to create grammatically sound sentences will improve. As your linguistic resources increase, your ability to express yourself clearly and precisely during the exam will improve.

In conclusion, improving your IELTS Speaking fluency requires a methodical approach and regular practice. Candidates can significantly improve their fluency skills by comprehending the test format, increasing their vocabulary, regularly practicing, recording and evaluating themselves, managing time well, thinking in English, using connectors and transition words, exploring different topics, getting feedback, and learning from model answers. To reach the desired level of fluency, it is critical to practice consistently, be patient, keep a positive outlook, and put in the necessary time and effort. IELTS Speaking test success is possible with persistence and preparation.

For more knowledge on all sections of IELTS test join our classes and learn more pointers as to how you can improve your fluency in IELTS Speaking

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